Parkinson Dance Exercises

Parkinson Disease responds well to many movement exercises. Ballroom Dancing makes movement fun so Paradise Home Health Care is happy to introduce a Ballroom Dancing Workshop to The Parkinson’s Foundation in Boca Raton, Florida
Judy Simon, founder of T.A.P. will be leading a ten week workshop for people with Parkinson Disease, and their significant others, starting Wednesday, January 4th through Wednesday, March 8th at the Parkinson’s Foundation Center located at 21301 Powerline Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33433 at 11:00 a.m. till 12:00 noon. For information contact Robin Miller, Executive Director 561-962-1702.
Linda Lemonte, founder of Paradise Home Health Care has been involved with the South Palm Beach Chapter of the National Parkinson Foundation (now the Parkinson’s Foundation) for several years. In addition to some perks for clients with Parkinson Disease, PHHC facilitates Caregiver Support Groups and helps with fundraising. “It is an honor to work with these families and help to introduce programs to the PF Center which enhances their well-being and provide an hour of exercise, music and fun through Dancing”.
Studies have shown that the Art of Dance helps slow the progression of Parkinson Disease for people living with and challenged by this Movement Disorder. All movement and exercise is helpful. Dancing requires added skills which include hearing the music, remembering the steps and coordinating movement to the music, thereby not only enhancing physical acuity but also cognitive function at a higher level also. Dancing reduces stress and depression while it Increases strength, balance, endurance and flexibility – all affected by Parkinson Disease. Other benefits include Strengthening of bones and improved cardiovascular health.
Ms. Simon will have people dancing together and learning new steps in ways that are safe and fun to perform. Spouses, family and friends are all welcome to this new workshop. Classes are designed to accommodate the needs of all levels of ability of the person with Parkinson Disease. Whether standing or sitting everyone can participate.
“My parents have been married for 62 years and until PD hit, they did Ballroom Dancing together”, my father is very excited to try dancing again” explains Jeff, their son.
Many programs are offered at the PF Center, from PT exercises to Yoga, Speech Therapy, Tai Chi as well as many professional lectures, adding Ballroom Dancing complements their programming very well as it combines movement and music which together combine for good things with people managing Parkinson Disease. It is also the type of program in which both the person with PD can positively interact with their spouse or other loved one.’
“Doing things together is a longing I hear from many spousal care partners in the Caregiver Support Groups I facilitate”, says Sherry Picker, MSW of Paradise Home Health Care. “Folks of this age group often met at dances and dancing was a big part of their social life before one of them was diagnosed with Parkinson Disease. Once I saw videos of Judy’s classes, I knew Ballroom Dancing would add a much needed dimension to the activities these couples share together, adds Ms. Picker”
Music Therapy on its own is a terrific modality that literally “lights up” all portions of the brain. With Ballroom Dancing the movement and the music are a terrific match of activities to enhance each person’s ability and it is an activity so many older adults are very familiar with, whether they are managing Parkinson disease or not.
“It is very gratifying when our partners like PHHC in the community, introduce other professionals who have such a variety of skills and knowledge to our members. We do many things at the Parkinson’s Foundation Activity Center in Boca Raton, Florida and I have a strong feeling that this Ballroom Dancing Workshop will be a big hit with our families. Folks are attending from Parkland, Boca Raton and Delray Beach. It is important to offer quality programming which will have a positive effect on each person’s well-being and is entertaining as well” says Ms. Miller.