Caregiver Support

Home health care and hospice are similar in many ways and can work together in providing care for mutual patients, and guiding families. Paradise Home Health Care has worked with many families that have hospice care or will get referred to hospice later, as their care needs change. We will discuss some ways that home ...
Navigating home health care can be very stressful.  We get calls from people inquiring about care, community assistance options, or even just guidance. Each individual is treated with respect and dignity.  South Florida currently has plenty of options and finding the right one can be exhausting, confusing, and extremely frustrating.  It doesn’t have to be.  ...
Home Care for Aging Parents Home care for aging parents is the best solution when your parent chooses to remain in their own home. At some point an elder loved one may need some help with caring for themselves and their household.  There are a few choices for care. Most common is the spouse or ...
24 Feb 2020
Respite Care Respite care by definition provides temporary relief for a primary care-partner, so they can have a break from care demands. This “time off” enables the primary care-partner to recharge, take care of their own medical needs, socialize or just relax. Most often, the care-partner is a spouse. It is common for anyone who ...
22 Oct 2019
Caregiver Cling is a Thing “Caregiver Cling” is similar to what we used to call “Separation Anxiety“.  In this context it describes dependent adults who experience anxiety or even panic when their primary caregiver or partner is absent.  The caregiver might just be in another room but out of their loved one’s view. This creates ...
01 Aug 2019
Caregiver Respite Caregiver respite is needed because family caregivers cannot sustain their efforts without breaks. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015) there are over 40 million family/friend caregivers of Americans sixty-five and older. Nine out of ten provide care for an elder relative. Most do it without pay. Caregiving often affects the caregiver’s ...
26 Oct 2018
Family Caregiver Tips According to a 2015 National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP study there were over 34 million Americans caring for an adult aged fifty and older. So their numbers will increase as “Boomers” age. First “tip” is to share the responsibility.  So, ask other family members and friends or hire help. Going ‘solo’ as a ...
25 Jun 2018
Caregiver Types Summed Up  Caregiver types are identified by former First Lady, Rosalyn Carter as basically past, present, future and in need of. Research backs this up as it finds that millions of Americans, at some point in our lives will need some in-home services, care, and assistance. Caregiver types are typically a spouse, adult ...
Caregiver Deal Caregiver Deal means different things to different folks and families. To many it means this is what they do, no questions asked. They take care of their spouse, end of story. For other people they see a Caregiver Deal being shared responsibilities within the family and community. Recently a client’s husband sent me ...
Holiday Season, Keep the Joy With Halloween over, the Holiday season is upon us!  Thoughts go to Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah and hearts skip a beat. Shopping, meal preparation, gifts, family gatherings, travel, budgets, and planning all jumble together as the Holiday season takes over. It is “supposed” to be a season of thanks, good wishes, joy and ...
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