
Caregiver Deal Caregiver Deal means different things to different folks and families. To many it means this is what they do, no questions asked. They take care of their spouse, end of story. For other people they see a Caregiver Deal being shared responsibilities within the family and community. Recently a client’s husband sent me ...
 Stressors Harm Your Health; Body, Memory, Emotions and Spirit Stressors and worry weigh upon all of us, especially primary caregivers. Health has to be guarded and supported. Sure there is good stress which gets us motivated, our competitive juices flowing to get the job done but other than that, stress wears on our physical and ...
Wellness Forum and other topics of interest; Paradise Home Health Care offers new classes at Temple Anshei Shalom as part of their Adult Education Program. Check with the Temple for current updates of topics. Wellness and topics related to Israel and Judaism are quite popular. If you or your Elder parents will be in the Delray Beach, area, ...