
Home health care and hospice are similar in many ways and can work together in providing care for mutual patients, and guiding families. Paradise Home Health Care has worked with many families that have hospice care or will get referred to hospice later, as their care needs change. We will discuss some ways that home ...
Navigating home health care can be very stressful.  We get calls from people inquiring about care, community assistance options, or even just guidance. Each individual is treated with respect and dignity.  South Florida currently has plenty of options and finding the right one can be exhausting, confusing, and extremely frustrating.  It doesn’t have to be.  ...
Home Care for Aging Parents Home care for aging parents is the best solution when your parent chooses to remain in their own home. At some point an elder loved one may need some help with caring for themselves and their household.  There are a few choices for care. Most common is the spouse or ...
“Elderspeak” – Helpful or Harmful? “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou “Elderspeak” is a pattern of speech that mimics baby talk, or how we speak to pets. Verbal communication conveys thoughts, information, and ...
Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” Old, Alone, “Don’t Need Help” is a common response a Home Care Social Worker hears. It is hard to be ill or incapacitated. Living alone makes it that much harder. In fact, age, illness, and living alone are “risk factors” to be considered when putting together or thinking of a ...
Social Work Based Home Care Social Work based home care takes a macro view of a client’s needs, family relationships, home safety and an array of resources and benefits.  In-home care, Social Workers typically are with a Medicare Agency. They are one of the “Skills” which Medicare covers. Other skilled professionals are Registered Nurses, Physical, ...
Practicing Feeling Good Practicing feeling good is an active emotional exercise. Today “mindfulness” is getting its due and being mindful of feeling good leads to a greater sense of well-being. So we can increase positive feelings by being aware of what brings us joy. Reminiscing is a great way to recall a happy time. Our ...
05 Jun 2020
Home Care Mistakes Home Care Mistakes result in frustration and stress, or worse. They can occur during an already difficult medical/health situation. An unsatisfied experience is often preventable. People seek out help at home when they are either post-surgery, undergoing an illness, are a primary caregiver, or have a long term, degenerative disease ( i.e. ...
15 May 2020
Senior Loneliness Senior loneliness is in the spotlight due to quarantine and self- isolation by seniors. The Covid-19 pandemic is causing people to remain home. Usual activities like Senior Centers and other programs are on hiatus. Not being able to go to your favorite restaurant, poolside, or even to your card game is causing older ...
Unplanned Hospitalization An unplanned hospitalization occurs unless it’s an elective, planned procedure or surgery. Because to the Covid-19 pandemic, thousands of people are going to the hospital unexpectedly. You are too old to be a Boy Scout or Girl Scout, but you are never too old to be prepared. Many Floridians have “Emergency Kits” for ...
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