When an older loved one is refusing help, it can be extremely frustrating. Emotions are running high, and it seems that everyone, except the ones needing the help, understands the urgency. Many factors can contribute to their needs. For example; a decline in health due to age, disease diagnosis, recent falls, and death of a ...
Dec 2022
Unclaimed Financial Aid is Available for Seniors Many older adults struggle to make ends meet every month, unaware that billions of dollars worth of aid is going unclaimed. Elaine Ross was living in central Florida in 2007 when a hurricane destroyed her home. Her insurance didn’t cover most of her belongings, so she started working ...
Navigating home health care can be very stressful. We get calls from people inquiring about care, community assistance options, or even just guidance. Each individual is treated with respect and dignity. South Florida currently has plenty of options and finding the right one can be exhausting, confusing, and extremely frustrating. It doesn’t have to be. ...
Jun 2022
What is Aging in Place? Aging in place is a term used often in the healthcare industry. Most often it is used by individuals that work with seniors and/or their families looking for guidance on options for staying at home through the golden years, or if they need to go to a facility. Home is ...
Dec 2019
Resolutions Anyone? Resolutions anyone? Does anyone still make resolutions, they intend on keeping? “Res-o-lu-tion” is defined (Oxford Dictionary) as a firm decision to do or not to do something. It is a defined intention of resolve and very popular around the New Year. So why do so many New Year resolutions go unfulfilled even when made ...
Mar 2019
End of Life Wishes and Cognitive Impairment End of Life Wishes and cognitive impairment related questions were asked about the most at a recent panel on Medical Ethics. The Partnership for Aging in Palm Beach County, Florida presented a panel to answer survey questions by the group’s members. More than half dealt with the ethics for individuals, ...
Oct 2018
Family Caregiver Tips According to a 2015 National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP study there were over 34 million Americans caring for an adult aged fifty and older. So their numbers will increase as “Boomers” age. First “tip” is to share the responsibility. So, ask other family members and friends or hire help. Going ‘solo’ as a ...
Oct 2018
Optimal Aging Tips – The Big Five Research shows us five areas to consider for optimal aging. Health is on every senior’s mind and to keep one’s mind and body healthy, we need to “work” at it. The Big Five include: Healthy diet, regular exercise, a sense of purpose, social engagement and learning new things. ...
Oct 2016
55 Plus Senior Living Communities South Florida 55 Plus Senior Living in South Florida is always expanding and new places opening. Currently there are a little over a million beds available between Independent, Assisted, Memory Care, Group Homes and Nursing Home Living Facilities in the United States. Do the math, with ten thousand baby boomers currently turning ...
Oct 2016
Winter Snowbirds Flock to South Florida Snowbirds increase the population in Florida by about 20 – 30 percent from October through April. As folks flee the cold weather up north and in Canada for the Florida sunshine. It certainly is a key component of our economy. Restaurants, shopping and even doctor offices, hospitals and Rehab ...
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