Lewy Body Dementia
Apr 2023
Organizing respite care can be a confusing and frustrating process. Not only is it difficult to decide which type of respite care to use, but couple that with the emotions that are also involved. Respite care is used for those needing a break from caring for a loved one with a condition where they can’t ...
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia isn’t easy. It can be one of the hardest, most emotional health care journeys families encounter in their life. It isn’t widely known that there are actually 100 different types of dementia. Lewy body and Frontal Lobal are a couple of examples. Regardless of what type ...
Navigating home health care can be very stressful. We get calls from people inquiring about care, community assistance options, or even just guidance. Each individual is treated with respect and dignity. South Florida currently has plenty of options and finding the right one can be exhausting, confusing, and extremely frustrating. It doesn’t have to be. ...
Apr 2019
Parkinson Disease Month April is Parkinson Disease Awareness Month. Over a million Americans and their families are living with PD. It is a neurological disease, causing changes in movement and balance over time. Because the brain doesn’t produce enough Dopamine (a chemical in the brain) movement and mood are impaired. So dopamine is needed to spark our ...
Jan 2018
CEO Brain Function We Need to Exist CEO Brain Function (a.k.a. Executive Brain Function) in humans are extremely advanced. We can use critical thinking, planning or memory in ways that other beings cannot. Our brains also affect mood, behavior and personality, is the repository for language, our visual-spatial orientation as well as where our insight and ...
Jun 2017
Dementia Driving and Safety Dementia driving at some point becomes a safety issue. Some characteristics of normal aging include changes in vision, hearing and slower reaction time. Add a Dementia into the mix, most commonly Alzheimer’s Disease or Lewy Body Dementia and the person may have to seriously give up driving or be forced to ...
Nov 2016
Memory Weakening – Know Their Ability Level Memory impairment due to Dementia, whether Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Parkinson, Brain Injury or other cause make daily tasks more difficult. Memory loss in aging seniors usually coexists with other cognitive losses such as reasoning, planning, sequencing – basic thinking and behavior. It usually occurs in stages when it is ...
Aug 2016
Neurologist visits can be very intimidating When going for any appointment with a doctor, there is some preparation to do. Write down your questions, prepare your medical history, take a pen and paper with you along with prescription medications, bring medical test results, labs, MRIs, check reputable medical sites, take someone with you and so forth. ...
Dec 2015
Spousal Care Partner Entering the World of Dementia Care Partner or caregiver is the new role a spouse assumes once their spouse or other loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease or other type of Dementia. As it occurs more often in Older Adults, other aspects of aging and health issues are ...
Nov 2014
1.3 Million Americans with LBD LBD (Lewy Body Dementia) is less well known to professionals and lay people alike even though it is the second (to Alzheimer’s) most common of degenerative dementia. Many people and their family caregivers who are managing this disease live in South Florida – Palm Beach and Broward counties. As it mimics ...
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