Senior Residence Choices
Nov 2020
Home Care for Aging Parents Home care for aging parents is the best solution when your parent chooses to remain in their own home. At some point an elder loved one may need some help with caring for themselves and their household. There are a few choices for care. Most common is the spouse or ...
Oct 2020
Building Your Team Building your team begins with a diagnosis. Anyone receiving a serious diagnosis needs some time to absorb the news. So do family members and whoever else you choose to tell. First, take in the news and hear what the physician tells you. It is highly recommended to have a loved one go ...
Sep 2019
Guide to Levels of Care Guide to levels of care for moving a loved is confusing because each property or care level can have its own rules. Whether the person them self recognizes they need help or a family member, friend, banker, or doctor sees impairment or decline the first decision is to stay at home ...
Jun 2018
Caregiver Types Summed Up Caregiver types are identified by former First Lady, Rosalyn Carter as basically past, present, future and in need of. Research backs this up as it finds that millions of Americans, at some point in our lives will need some in-home services, care, and assistance. Caregiver types are typically a spouse, adult ...
Feb 2017
“Family Dementia Care -Who Knows What, Will Happen?” Family Dementia Care; what do we know? Well, though it is true we don’t have a crystal ball to look into the future, we do know that a progressive, degenerative disease will worsen. We also have an idea of the time frame. Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias tend to ...
Oct 2016
Medical, Financial and Legal Professionals Professionals who are degreed, licensed, certified and experienced are beneficial to guiding post retirees and elders in maintaining a good quality of life and planning for their future. As we age and get older, more medical personnel beyond our Internist crop up as we seek out more specialists: Cardiologist, Neurologist, ...
Sep 2016
Senior Residences -After the “Why “consider the “Where” Senior Residences are part of a big decision Older Adults and their grown children need to consider when deciding the best place to reside. Most Americans prefer to remain in their own home — for as long as possible. This is very possible for the majority ...
Jan 2016
GCM Helps Adult Sons and Daughters Who Live Out of State A GCM or Geriatric Care Manager is the “Conductor” of a family’s Care Plan for an elder or incapacitated loved one. Many of the Senior Older Adults in South Florida have moved away from their grown children up North and don’t really have strong ...
Sandwich Generation Caregivers are Pulled in Different Directions Sandwich Generation adults often find themselves in the middle between helping elder parents and their own children. If you are caring for more than one household and working, you must be very organized and open to accepting help to manage it all. Caregiving is demanding by definition. It ...
Jul 2015
Aging Misconceptions: Myth or Fact? Seniors and Boomers test your knowledge about Aging and Aging Misconceptions. Read these statements and decide which are true and which are false. *Most Elderly Americans live in Nursing Homes (5% or less) *My family don’t call me, they must not love me” (Email & Texts are used) *A Will ...
- "Elderspeak"
- 55+ Senior Living
- Addiction
- ADLs
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- aging behaviors
- aging in place
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Recent Posts
November 17, 2020
November 17, 2020
November 17, 2020
Adult CHildren
Aging parents
Alzheimer's Disease
Auto Safety
Caregiver Support
Discharge Plan
Elder Care
Elderly Parents
Emotional Health
Fall prevention
Home Alone
Home Care
Hopital Readmissions
in home care
Long Term Care Insurance
Older Adults
Palm Beach County
Parkinon's Disease
Physical Therapy
Psycho-Social stage of Aging
Rehab Center
Sandwich Generation
South Palm Beach County
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