aging in place
Apr 2023
Organizing respite care can be a confusing and frustrating process. Not only is it difficult to decide which type of respite care to use, but couple that with the emotions that are also involved. Respite care is used for those needing a break from caring for a loved one with a condition where they can’t ...
Feb 2023
Home health care and hospice are similar in many ways and can work together in providing care for mutual patients, and guiding families. Paradise Home Health Care has worked with many families that have hospice care or will get referred to hospice later, as their care needs change. We will discuss some ways that home ...
How Older Adults Can Stay Healthy by Mentoring the Next Generation How older adults can stay healthy by mentoring the next generation, a lot is to be learned from those who already experienced it. With decades of developing skills and experience, seniors are in the unique position of being able to teach younger generations a ...
Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia isn’t easy. It can be one of the hardest, most emotional health care journeys families encounter in their life. It isn’t widely known that there are actually 100 different types of dementia. Lewy body and Frontal Lobal are a couple of examples. Regardless of what type ...
Jun 2022
What is Aging in Place? Aging in place is a term used often in the healthcare industry. Most often it is used by individuals that work with seniors and/or their families looking for guidance on options for staying at home through the golden years, or if they need to go to a facility. Home is ...
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April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023
April 27, 2023
Adult CHildren
Aging parents
Alzheimer's Disease
Auto Safety
Caregiver Support
Discharge Plan
Elder Care
Elderly Parents
Emotional Health
Fall prevention
Home Alone
Home Care
Hopital Readmissions
in home care
Long Term Care Insurance
Older Adults
Palm Beach County
Parkinon's Disease
Physical Therapy
Psycho-Social stage of Aging
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Sandwich Generation
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