Home Alone
When an older loved one is refusing help, it can be extremely frustrating. Emotions are running high, and it seems that everyone, except the ones needing the help, understands the urgency. Many factors can contribute to their needs. For example; a decline in health due to age, disease diagnosis, recent falls, and death of a ...
Financial matters are complicated to begin with. Imagine having to manage money if you or your loved one is cognitively impaired or has memory problems causing poor judgment. Seniors as a group are a prime target for scammers – by phone, mail and visits to where they live. It is unethical, immoral, mean spirited ...
Home Care Assistance Solves Many Care and Safety Needs Home Care Assistance is a tough topic to discuss with older parents. A very practical solution for older people who need a little help at home to remain independent there is to hire an aide or caregiver for in-home care. It does take insight on the part of ...
Dec 2014
Reverse Mortgage as Financial Tool Reverse Mortgage may be worth exploring for financially strapped seniors. Is your home the answer to financing your care in old age? Maybe yes, Maybe no, as a Boomer, if the FONZ recommends a Reverse Mortgage, I might just look into it AAAYYY! There is no debate that hiring an in-home ...
Aug 2014
Rehab Center Discharge Checklist Rehab stays can be short term or longer, but generally last 3 weeks as that is what Medicare covers. Rehab stays generally get people “home ready” but perhaps not fully recuperated. This is true following a surgery or illness. You will likely receive Nursing, Physical and Occupational Therapist visits through Medicare Home Services when ...
Jul 2014
Hurricane & Summer Heat Hurricane season and extreme heat are staples of Florida this time of year. Here we are in the middle of the Florida summer. Hot as Hades and there is a danger of Hurricane strength storms coming off the Atlantic. Time to take stock of supplies and to stock up. Heat exhaustion ...
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