Senior Activities in the Community

Senior Activities are important as it gets folks out of their home (many live alone) and out doing things with others with similar interests or causes. Music at the Senior CenterHere in South Florida, there are many senior activities to choose from, which may not be the case in other areas of the country. In the 55+ communities alone there is the pool, clubs, a Recreational Building (Clubhouse) and usually theater and music events in the evenings.

Beyond socialization, senior activities and programming offer educational opportunities, entertainment, and exercise! More places offer Yoga and Tai Chi, Water Aerobics and walking clubs. Keeping busy, engaged and cognitively stimulated are key ingredients for healthier living.

Where Senior Activities are Found

There are many places where seniors like to congregate. Poolside, restaurants, clubs, card games or shopping malls are a few places retirees and other older adults enjoy frequenting.  This is done individually or with a few friends. Breakfast meetings are popular or around other mealtimes as well. Places to explore for organized programs with your elder parents include:

-Senior Centers

-Public Libraries

-Continuing Education Programs (local High Schools)

-YMCAs or JCCs


-Disease Specific Organizations

-Hobby or Special Interest Clubs

-Movie theaters

-Adult Day Care Centers for folks with cognitive impairments

-City Parks

Transportation as a Barrier to Participation

For cities which have easily accessible public transportation, getting to the activity is easier. In South Florida, even with a bus system, it is often either too hot or raining for aging adults to use. As many post-retirees live alone and some don’t drive any longer, this is a true barrier to enjoying these social outings. However, there are more solutions than ever. UBER/LYFT is a very direct solution as there isn’t waiting involved or having to make advance arrangements.

Other transportation ideas include:


-Shared rides

-Senior Citizen Transportation through the County – Palm Tran or TOPS

-Papa Pals in Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties

-*Hiring an aide/companion whose duties include providing transportation and driving

-Finding Centers which also provide transportation – though these are few and far between, but do exist

Hiring a driver through a licensed Home Care company is costly but you will also receive other services such as; laundry, cooking, shopping to name a few. First find the type of program your elder loved one will want to attend and participate in and then work out the logistics.

Learning, socializing and exercise (moving) are 3 key components of healthier aging.