Parkinson Disease
Nov 2016
Memory Weakening – Know Their Ability Level Memory impairment due to Dementia, whether Alzheimer’s, Vascular, Parkinson, Brain Injury or other cause make daily tasks more difficult. Memory loss in aging seniors usually coexists with other cognitive losses such as reasoning, planning, sequencing – basic thinking and behavior. It usually occurs in stages when it is ...
Oct 2016
Medical, Financial and Legal Professionals Professionals who are degreed, licensed, certified and experienced are beneficial to guiding post retirees and elders in maintaining a good quality of life and planning for their future. As we age and get older, more medical personnel beyond our Internist crop up as we seek out more specialists: Cardiologist, Neurologist, ...
Sep 2016
Falling and the Facts Falling risks can be greatly reduced by good habits developed to prevent falls. Fall begins September 22nd and it is also National Fall Prevention Day. The Center for Disease Control finds that a third of seniors will fall. For many of them, it will be a life changing event. Falling can be ...
Aug 2016
Stressors Harm Your Health; Body, Memory, Emotions and Spirit Stressors and worry weigh upon all of us, especially primary caregivers. Health has to be guarded and supported. Sure there is good stress which gets us motivated, our competitive juices flowing to get the job done but other than that, stress wears on our physical and ...
Aug 2016
Neurologist visits can be very intimidating When going for any appointment with a doctor, there is some preparation to do. Write down your questions, prepare your medical history, take a pen and paper with you along with prescription medications, bring medical test results, labs, MRIs, check reputable medical sites, take someone with you and so forth. ...
Jun 2016
Parkinson “Moving Day” Fundraiser: Hosted by the National Parkinson Foundation ~ South Palm Beach County Chapter –Event Date: Sunday, November 6, 2016 Location: FAU ~ Boca Raton ~ Stadium Parkinson Disease’s annual NPF national fundraiser called Moving Day is this November in Boca Raton, Florida. It is one of the biggest fundraiser events of the ...
Apr 2016
Senior Home Care is Likely at Some Point in Life The thought of needing help with one’s personal care – ADLs -bathing, dressing, and toileting is disturbing to most of us. We see ourselves as independent and able to care for ourselves. Truthfully, this just isn’t the case for many older adult seniors. Whether recuperating ...
Feb 2016
PD Affects the entire family A slowing down of dopamine production in the brain is what causes Parkinson Disease. The effect is a host of symptoms which can vary widely from person to person. The affected person, and it is more often found in aging men may have tremors, a rigidity in movement, slowness, may ...
Oct 2015
Home Safety, Comfort and a Stimulating Environment Home Safety involves “safe proofing” a home for a loved one, parent or spouse who has cognitive impairment, memory loss and poor judgement goes beyond grab bars in the shower. Since older adults choose to remain in their own home, some modifications ought to be made to accommodate ...
Oct 2015
Grief is often felt by Spousal Caregivers when loved one is still with us All people react to illness, caregiving, grief and loss in very individual ways. Even when circumstances are similar, and an ending comes into focus, each person in the family and those people all around them, will experience grief differently and act ...
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November 21, 2016
November 21, 2016
November 21, 2016
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