Elderly Parents

With about 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s Disease and many more fearful of getting this degenerative cognitive disease, it is helpful to learn the different stages. No two people get the same disease in terms of strict similarity of symptoms and time frames. There isn’t a crystal ball, but there is a known direction and somewhat ...
According to a study in The Laryngoscope Journal (and reported by Medical News Today, by researchers at the Washington State School of Medicine in St. Louis found that older adults who have hearing loss may find that their balance improves when they wear hearing aids. After all, balance is in the ear. If this finding ...
    Do you know the commercial of a family at a restaurant and both father and son reach for the check.  Then the voiceover – He is doing well, hope he is saving, Hope he saved enough….. It is poignant because it shows that both adult children and older parents are thinking about finances. Money ...
  Aging Parent’s Care Aging parents in the U.S. receive most of their care from family members. Siblings may have different ideas regarding an aging parent’s care. Some suggestions are in order for siblings to get along while helping their aging parents. Assuming adult sons and daughters are well meaning, good intentioned and quite stressed, ...
Boomer Generation: Caught in the Middle  Boomer or Sandwich Generation middle agers facing college tuition,  financial assistance to older parents and saving for their own retirement, the pressure can be overwhelming. Who to help first?  You can’t sacrifice your nest egg savings and you can’t watch your children and parents flounder.  Planning is KEY fpr ...
Resilience of the Primary Caregiver Families across America are primary caregivers to children, aging parents or both… i.e. Sandwich Generation caregivers. It is hard and stressful work to care for an adult, especially those who are cognitively impaired and have Dementia. The primary, family, and usually the spousal caregiver makes everything else run. Their care ...
Elder Care Expenses Elder Care for anyone with physical or cognitive impairment is challenging and very expensive. Most adults prefer to remain in their own home. Here are a few ways to find income to cover the cost of care. Whether assisting a loved one with either physical or cognitive declines (sometimes both) expenses add ...
Caregiver Stressors can be a motivator or a demolisher.   “Caregiver Stressors” are continuous, without end, for the primary caregiver caring for a debilitated spouse or family member with a chronic (TBI) or progressive condition or disease ( Cancer, M.S. Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s Dementia, Parkinson Disease), Diabetes or COPD). Identifying Signs or Red Flags: 1. Feelings ...
Snowbirds Come South: October to May Let the Snowbirds Migration begin.  Both Almanacs are calling for another very cold and snowy winter, so the flocks will begin soon. A lot can happen medically, from Spring to late Fall.  Your medical team down here needs to be brought up to date. It is alarming when Snowbirds ...
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